Pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of light and dark horizontal lines that form the appearance of a crack.

Untitled (No. 31)


A dark grey sheet of paper with small teared holes and a strip of masking tape is placed on top of a light grey sheet of paper.

Untitled (with nothing but space)


A marker pen drawing on white coloured paper of formations of three-dimensional squares that resemble the structure of an escalator.

Escalator (No. 2)


A graphite drawing on brown packaging paper of a black rectangle with two brown rectangles intersecting it.

Ideas for television


Pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of vertical and horizontal lines forming a grid that is broken by a crack.

Untitled (No. 18)


A pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of a pane of smashed glass.

Untitled (No. 27)


A pen drawing on white paper of a brick standing on its end cast in shadow.

It all came crashing down


A collection of found paper form two squares that sit one above the other. One square is an outline and the other square is a graphite coloured shape.

Untitled (No. 16)


Pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of light and dark squiggly lines that travel vertically from the top edge.

Untitled (No. 17)


Graphite pencil drawing on ivory coloured torn paper of a small black shape with cracks.

Untitled (No. 7)


Pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of vertical and horizontal lines forming a grid that is broken by a crack.

Untitled (No. 9)


Pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of light and dark vertical lines that show a crack.

Untitled (No. 11)


A pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of two yoga mats crumpled up on the floor

Yoga massacre (No. 2)


Pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of vertical and horizontal lines forming a grid that is broken by cracks.

Untitled (No. 1)


Graphite pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of a small black square with cracks.

Untitled (No. 2)


A pencil drawing on white paper of one long side of a brick scanned into the the computer.



A marker pen drawing on ivory coloured paper of six entangled loop shapes.

Untitled (No. 24)


A pencil drawing on grey coloured paper of three entangled loop shapes.

Untitled (No. 21)


A graphite drawing on white coloured paper of a black rectangle with a fingernail-sized white mark in the middle.



Pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of six entangled circular shapes.

Untitled (No. 8)


A graphite and pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of two loop shapes intertwining.

Untitled (No. 25)


Pencil drawing on natural coloured torn paper of light and dark vertical lines that show a crack.

Untitled (No. 12)


A pencil drawing of horizontal and vertical straight lines on arc-shaped paper.

Untitled (No. 23)


A pencil drawing of straight horizontal lines on arc-shaped paper.

Untitled (No. 22)


Pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of light and dark vertical lines that form the appearance of a crack.

Untitled (No. 13)


A pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of the corner of a piece of paper taped to the wall in sunlight.

Paper duet (No. 1)


A pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of a folded piece of paper laying on a table in sunlight.

Paper duet (No. 2)


A pencil drawing on white coloured paper of twenty five entangled loop shapes.

Something was already there


Pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of light and dark vertical lines that form the appearance of a crack.

Untitled (No. 15)


A pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of a moving escalator travelling downwards sketched from the artist's viewpoint.

Untitled (escalator)


A marker pen drawing on white coloured paper of formations of three-dimensional squares that resemble the structure of an escalator.

Escalator (No. 3)


A pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of text made up of single dots reading "REACTION SHEAR WATER THERMAL".

Plasterboard poetry


Pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of a crack in the wall.

Untitled (No. 19)


A pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of a yoga mat crumpled up on the floor

Yoga massacre (No. 1)


A pencil drawing on grey coloured paper of the anatomy of the pelvic girdle.

Floating pelvis


Pencil drawing on ivory coloured paper of vertical and horizontal lines forming a grid that is broken by a crack.

Untitled (No. 3)


A pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of an accordion pleat folded piece of paper.

Accordion pleat


A marker pen drawing on white coloured paper of formations of three-dimensional squares that resemble the structure of an escalator.

Escalator (No. 1)


A pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of an industrial radiator in sunlight.

Sunlight on the radiator


A graphite and pencil drawing on natural coloured paper of two loop shapes intertwining.

Untitled (No. 26)


Poster design for Deep Time Moving, a workshop with Kyra Norman for Wainsgate Dances, which shows blue text on a green background that is covered in small red squares and larger green squares with rocky textures.

Deep Time Moving (Poster)


Poster design for Nothing, an evening of dance performances dance in London 2025, which shows orange text on a yellow background that is covered in orange peeling textures.

Nothing (Poster)


Poster design for Pilgrim, a dance work performed by Lucy Suggate in 2022, which shows white and blue text on a black background that is covered in small white symbols.

Pilgrim (Poster)


Poster design for Pilgrim, a dance work performed by Lucy Suggate in 2022, which shows black text on a blue background that is covered in small black symbols.

Pilgrim (Performance Text)


Poster design for Drift Paper Tender Stone, an interdisciplinary work performed by Lucy Suggate and Charlie Ford in 2022, which shows black text on a white background with a large grey stone placed in the centre.

Drift Paper Tender Stone (Poster No. 1)


Poster design for Drift Paper Tender Stone, an interdisciplinary work performed by Lucy Suggate and Charlie Ford in 2023, which shows black text on a grey background with small and large grey stones covering the surface.

Drift Paper Tender Stone (Poster No. 2)


Postcard design for Tender Stones, an interdisciplinary work performed by Lucy Suggate and Charlie Ford in 2023, which shows black text on a grey background with some text in in a circular shape.

Tender Stones (Postcard)


Poster design of two collaged headless and  human figures that appearing to be falling downwards.

Apologies (No. 1)


Screenshot from a video of a human figure with white trousers and beige shoes floating in the middle of a white-walled space.

Walking, Floating and Falling


Black and white photograph of a human figure standing up with his back turned towards the camera and his head concealed.

Untitled (No. 28)


Black and white photograph of a human figure standing on his left leg while holding the right leg with his back turned towards the camera and his head concealed.

Untitled (No. 30)


Mixed media collage and colour photograph of a standing human figure partially concealed by a large grey rectangle.

Untitled (No. 29)


A mixed media collage containing two separate photographs of human legs that are joined together.

Body/space alterations (No. 1)


A mixed media collage containing two separate photographs of a human torso and an arm that are joined together.

Body/space alterations (No. 2)


A mixed media collage containing two separate photographs of human legs that are joined together.

Body/space alterations (No. 3)


Photograph of a traditional dance studio with ballet bars around the perimeter, which has concrete and ramped flooring.

Dance Institution Skate Park


Photograph of four performers wearing grey and white clothing standing around a table constructing stone shapes from graphite covered paper.

Tender Stones